The night before, Claire had an unusually difficult time falling asleep, and I got to sing, rock, and lay down with her to try to help her relax for the first time in years. While I was sorry that she was a little anxious, I enjoyed those sweet moments with her. Despite the lack of sleep, she popped right out of bed and was ready to go. Will spent the night with my parents, so we were able to totally focus on Claire and get some photos.
The first day this year was so easy - we knew where we were going and we saw lots of familiar faces. We weren't able to go to Meet the Teacher night the week before since we were out of town, but we were familiar with her teacher (we got the one we wanted!), and Claire already knew where the first grade classes were located.
While Will and I miss having her with us during the day, she has had a wonderful week and is excited to go to school each day. We're looking forward to a great year!