Wednesday, August 07, 2013

First Lost Tooth

On June 25th, Claire lost her first tooth!  How is my baby girl old enough to be getting permanent teeth?  Since she started getting baby teeth early, we knew it was a possibility, so we had been trying to prepare her - talking about how she might have a tooth get loose, what it meant, and that it wasn't something to be frightened about.

After dinner Robert and I were talking and cleaning up the kitchen, and Claire ran in and said "I lost a tooth!"  We looked at each other in shock - we didn't even know one was loose.  She opened her mouth to show us, and we asked her where it was - "I don't know!"  We thought she might have hidden it, so we asked her a few more times and told her it was fine - that we were excited for her - and became convinced that she really didn't know where it was.  The first lost tooth was really lost.  We hadn't talked about the Tooth Fairy, and probably are going to come up with something different to celebrate lost teeth, so it wasn't a big deal.  Would've been nice to have, but at least she wasn't upset about it.

Lost tooth

Will's version of Claire's photo

New smile!

She lost the second one a couple of weeks later - it started coming out while Robert and I were out on a date night, so my mom pulled it for her.  We love her little gappy smile!  :)


Amy's Mom said...

Claire was so brave! She was very patient while I tied the floss onto the tooth and gave it a little tug. She was surprised when she saw the tooth dangling on the floss; she didn't even feel it when it came out. She could hardly wait to show it to Mommy and Daddy!

Amy's Mom said...

The picture of Will is so funny! He is a little clown!