Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Potty Training Success!

Ugh, potty training! With everything we've had going on (primarily the arrival of Will!), we put PTing on the back burner, but recently decided that it was time to go for it. We bought Claire some Elmo underwear and let her wear it a couple of weekends. She did pretty well, but would get upset after a couple of accidents and ask for a diaper or a pull up, so we would change her and let it go for awhile. Last week, though, we talked to her teachers at school, and we all agreed that she was never going to learn unless we started sending her to school in underwear. The kid can happily wear a wet diaper for hours, so she was not going to PT herself. :)

We talked about it with Claire a lot over the weekend, and sent her to school in Elmo underwear on Monday. So, how did she do???


I was completely shocked when I picked her up and found out she'd gone all day without any problems (they did put a pull up on her at naptime, which we are planning to do for awhile). We got home, and while she was obviously annoyed with my constant prodding to use the potty, she eventually went. I'd been trying to avoid any bribes or giving her candy, but it definitely motivates her, so I'll worry later about weaning her off rewards. :) I told her that I would give her one M&M if she used the potty after I asked her to go, but that I would give her 2 M&M's if she came to me and told me she needed to go - and actually did. There were a few times last night where she would cry "Oh no!" and I would think she'd had an accident, but each time she managed to hold it until we got to the bathroom. So, so proud!

She did have a couple of accidents at school today, which I expected, but she did great again at home tonight. It's encouraging to see such good progress so quickly. Go Claire!


Amy's Mom said...

We are so proud of you!

Lindsay said...

Go Claire!!!