Thursday, September 16, 2010

Early Bird

Since we transitioned Claire out of the crib, she usually comes down to our room whenever she wakes up. If we're not up yet, sometimes she'll get in bed with us, and sometimes she just lays on the floor.

This morning around 6 I heard her cough, and it wasn't over the monitor, so I first thought she was on the floor in our room. I heard her again a few minutes later and thought that maybe she was on the floor in the living room, but I was pretty groggy and thought that didn't make any sense. We heard her again, so Robert went to check on her. He came back a couple of minutes later laughing, and said she was sitting at the kitchen table coloring (she and I were coloring yesterday afternoon and I had left the crayons out). I got up a few minutes later, and she was still sitting there, totally happy. I then noticed an open catalog out on the coffee table next to her blanket, and asked her if she'd been looking at it. She said she had, so who knows what all she was up to! There's nothing she can get into to hurt herself, so we were glad that she'd found a way to be entertained for a little while and let us get a few more minutes of sleep. Such a funny kid!

1 comment:

Aunt Nancy said...

That's cute! She had reading and work to do so she got an early start! Probably takes after her grandpa!