Friday, May 21, 2010

Ultra Screen Results

Just like with Claire, we opted to have the Ultra Screen test performed on this baby. The test screens for Down's Syndrome and other chromosomal abnormalities. The test does not give you definitive results, but it lets you know what the odds are of the baby having an abnormality. We've always looked at it as an opportunity to see our baby and to start educating ourselves in case something is going on. Plus, it's non-invasive, so there is no risk to the baby.

We went in last Tuesday for the sonogram and the bloodwork, and the baby was giving the tech a hard time by not wanting to get into position for the sonogram measurements. It's so fun to watch all of the activity going on in there! The measurements looked good, and the doctor called this Tuesday with the results. She said everything was normal, and that the risk of Down's decreased from around 1 in 325 based on my age to 1 in 2100, and the risk of other Trisomies is less than 1 in 10,000. So, definitely good results!

I'm continuing to feel better - and continuing to grow! I can still fit into my jeans, but I'm definitely starting to show already. I need to start taking belly pictures - I was looking at my photos from last time, and I think I'm already about where I was at 18 weeks last time, even though I currently weigh about what I did pre-pregnancy with Claire (started out this time about 5 pounds less than with Claire). I have always heard most people show earlier - that is proving true for me!

Below I've posted a couple of things I wrote early in the pregnancy before we announced the news - enjoy!

14 weeks, 2 days


Lindsay said...

Are you going to be surprised at the sex again? We found out both were boys at that appointment.

Amy L said...

Lindsay, we haven't decided yet. I'm leaning towards finding out, and Robert is leaning towards waiting. We don't have the big US until around 20 weeks, so we have time to decide. The tech was running a little behind and it took awhile to get the baby in a good position for the NT scan, so she didn't offer us a "sneak peek" - which made it easier since we didn't have to decide right then.