Friday, May 21, 2010

Pregnant? Pregnant!

My initial thoughts on finding out we were expecting #2 - written on March 25, 2010

It's been just over a week since I got positive results on two pregnancy tests, and it still hasn't sunk in yet that I am pregnant. I took the first test expecting a negative result (it couldn't be possible for me to get pregnant again so quickly, right? Wrong!), and felt a mixture of disbelief and elation when I saw that second line beginning to appear. It was a Dollar Store test, which is what I also used when I found out I was pregnant with Claire, and I once again had to take a second test to be sure. And yes, that one was also positive! We were planning for a second child, so I wasn't in total shock, but I just didn't think it would happen this easily. We are so blessed!

I was already about six weeks pregnant with Claire when we found out, and I was experiencing some pregnancy symptoms at that point, so in my past experience, I didn't having long between finding out I was pregnant and feeling pretty cruddy. When I tested on the 17th, I was 4 wks, 6 days pregnant, and felt pretty much the same as usual. Today is the first day I've had any hint of nausea, and it was very mild and passed as soon as I had breakfast. So, I still don't feel pregnant, which is making it hard to believe. I think this is mostly due to my cautious nature - I don't want to allow myself to get too excited until after we have the first appointment with my OB next Thursday.

Except for a fellow mommy blogger-friend who is also expecting around the same time (and is a good guesser!), Robert and I haven't shared the news with anyone. I thought about telling Mom and Dad while they were here for the weekend, but since we just found out ourselves the day before they arrived, I wasn't really ready to share with anyone and wanted to allow more time for the news to sink in. We are anxiously awaiting the results of our first appointment with Baby L2!

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