Monday, December 21, 2009

How to eat cream cheese

We recently introduced Claire to the wonder that is cream cheese, and it has quickly become one of her favorite snacks. Claire gave us a demonstration the other night of the proper way to eat an English muffin with cream cheese.

  1. Hold the muffin up so that you can take a bite from the middle (area with the maximum amount of cream cheese).

  2. Give Mommy and Daddy a big smile to show off your C.C. mustache.

  3. Repeat step 1.

  4. If you're lucky, you'll even get some cheese up your nose.

  5. Finish your muffin, then scream and cry when Mommy tries to clean the cheese off your face (not pictured).

1 comment:

Amy's Mom said...

Looks like pure enjoyment! I love your captions.