This is a picture of my dad unwrapping his present from Robert - a cordless drill set. This was the first Christmas Robert and I were together - we started dating in July 2005. Robert really thought Dad would enjoy having a cordless drill, and he was absolutely right! I remember Daddy showing it off to everyone who came in the house that Christmas. Dad still loves this set and to this day frequently mentions how much he likes it and how often he uses it. Robert is a great gift-giver - he has a real knack for noticing what people like. Also, when he has a good idea for a gift, he remembers it (unlike me - I get to time to buy a present and think "I know I thought of a great gift...what was it?"). Just one of the many things I love about him - his thoughfulness!
Looking back through the pictures in that file, there were also some other great gifts given and received that Christmas. Mom's TiVo, my VitaMix (which is an important component in Claire's homemade baby food), Dad's wireless projection weather forecaster, and my Tiffany cross necklace from Robert that I'm wearing right now!
What a fun challenge, BB! Thanks for the memories. :)
Pretty good!
I think we can now say Claire is officially able to sit up. She could do it for a few seconds at a time, but over the past two days she's had times where she was able to sit for a couple of minutes without assistance. I got a couple of pictures last night - they're a little dark because I was too close to her to use the flash (within arm reach!), but I think they're still cute.
We're also still working on rolling over - she likes it when someone helps her, but doesn't think it's much fun when she's supposed to do it by herself.
We had a busy week. My parents were here from Wednesday to Monday morning. I left on Friday for Miami, and Robert was gone for the weekend for the MS150 from SA to Corpus Christi, so Claire spent the weekend with Nana and Granddaddy. I had so much fun in Miami. It rained the entire time, so we weren't able to spend any time on the beach, but we enjoyed just hanging out. One of the highlights of the weekend was when Hulk Hogan and his girlfriend were seated next to us at lunch. We initially debated on whether he was with his daughter or a girlfriend - apparently we're not the only ones who think there is a resemblance.
After Mom and Dad left, Robert's parents and sister came to spend the day with us. Claire had a great time playing with them!
Coming this weekend - some pictures and a video from Claire's first cereal experience!