Courtney and her family made their annual trip to Port A a couple of weeks ago, and we were able to join them for some beach time. We drove to Corpus Christi on Thursday, checked into our hotel, and met Robert's sister Carol and our niece Grace for dinner. It was nice to catch up and discuss their upcoming move to San Antonio! We are excited about having them close by.
The next morning we drove to Port Aransas to meet up with Courtney & fam and some friends. When we got to the beach, Will's eyes got big, and he exclaimed "Wa-wa [Water]! BIG wa-wa!" So funny!
We all had a wonderful morning. I wasn't sure how long the kids would last, and they went hard for more than 3 hours. I think they would've stayed longer, but we were already over an hour past naptime and a little worried about the crash if we didn't get going. We quickly cleaned up and got in the car to head home. We decided to go back across the ferry, thinking the kids would enjoy it. Claire fell asleep on the drive through town, and Will was asleep by the time we got on the ferry.
Oh, well - we still enjoyed it!
Definitely a successful trip - we are going to have to take a longer beach trip soon!
Snuggling with Daddy after getting surprised by a big wave - he recovered quickly!
Love this one with my boy!
The girls looking for shells
One of Will's favorite parts of the day was chasing the seagulls, or in his words, the "ducks". He would run up to them shaking his finger and yell "Go away Duck! Go away!" and then get a contented little look on his face as each one flew off.
The kids minus Will - he wouldn't sit still for a photo!
Wiped out