Monday, June 13, 2011

Will at Seven Months

Will turned 7 months old on June 11th!


As I've said before, and I know I will say again, this boy has completely captured my heart. He brings so much joy to our family, and I think he's pretty happy with the family that he's got. :) Claire is his favorite person - there is still no one that can make him laugh as hard (or as frequently!) as she does.

He is still a happy and easygoing little guy, especially if you keep him fed. :) He is still drinking about 5 bottles of formula a day and eats solid foods twice a day - usually a jar of Earth's Best breakfast food in the morning and a serving of organic fruits and/or vegetables with cereal in the evening. He likes to eat, and I'm looking forward to moving on to finger foods in the next month or so.

Will is sitting by himself very well, and now knows how to catch himself when he starts to fall over. No real signs of crawling yet, which suits Mommy just fine!

He has four teeth - two middle ones on the bottom, and two on the top. No, not the two front teeth - the two on either side. We call them his "snake teeth." I'm trying to get a good picture of them before the front teeth come in, which looks like it will happen any day now.

Will still isn't my best sleeper, but with the exception of a few nights, we usually just get up once and then he will sleep until 7 or later. Teething hasn't helped, but his sleep always gets better once those teeth pop through.

We love our sweet Will!!!

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