Monday, January 10, 2011

Busy Weekend

Last weekend was the first one in awhile where we didn't have a holiday event or family in town, but we still managed to pack in a lot of activities.

On Friday night, we all decided that pizza sounded good for dinner. Robert and Claire went to the store for ingredients. Claire had so much fun helping put the pizzas together. She really liked putting down the pieces of pepperoni, but her favorite part was sprinkling the cheese. She would take a big handful, put it right in the middle, and then follow my lead my taking some of it and sprinkling it on other parts of the pizza. She could hardly wait for it to cool off when it came out of the oven, and we had to put a piece in the freezer to quickly cool it off for her to eat. Yum!

Friday (#2) / Week 1
Saturday started with a desperately needed haircut for Claire. She is not a fan of strangers, especially strangers who touch her, so haircuts can be excrutiating for all of us. Since her last haircut was in August, though, she was way overdue. While not a totally pleasant experience, we got it out of the way, and her hair looks so cute now in a little bob. Mommy learned a new way to fix her hair and keep it out of her eyes, too, so she doesn't have to wear a ponytail every day now!

We had no plans for the rest of the day and ended up going to Austin to see Robert's mother and grandparents who were visiting for the weekend. It was a quick trip, with time for lunch, a short visit, and a trip to Buy Buy Baby to check out double strollers. That place was crazy busy, so we didn't last long, but I was able to start narrowing down my choices. We were back in San Antonio in time for a quiet evening at home after a full day.

Saturday / Week 1
Saturday (#2) / Week 1
On Sunday, Claire seemed to have a slight cold, and we decided to take it easy and enjoy some quality time at home.

Sunday / Week 1

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