Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Boys already?

Claire's teachers always write down a comment about her day on her Daily Activity Reports, and I love getting this little insight into how things went for her that day. Yesterday, her note said:

"Claire has a 'boyfriend' from the Parrot Room! On the playground she wouldn't let anyone else play with Brayden. They were sitting in the tree house and she would push away anyone who tried to come in. It was so funny. I said 'Claire, I know you love Brayden, but he has other friends too!!' So funny!!!"

It makes me laugh to picture my shy little girl being so possessive over a toddler boy. She's such a mess - love that kid!


Amy's Mom said...

Oh, My! How funny!

bb said...

You are in so much trouble when she's a teen.

cute girl = trouble!