Monday, September 15, 2008

22 Weeks

Can you believe that she turned 5 months old last week? Getting so big! She's really enjoying her Bumbo chair now, and we're spending lots of time practicing sitting up and rolling over.

We had a busy week last week. We have a lot more unpacked, although we haven't touched the garage or the stuff that is going upstairs. Plus, we still don't have anything on the walls, but that will be one of the last things to happen.

Claire started "school" on Monday. The teachers really like her, especially the lead teacher. Every time I drop Claire off, she scoops her up and is cuddling with her as I leave. Each day they've commented on how smiley and happy she is!

We also spent some time trying to find a new pediatrician. We were so happy with the one we had in Dallas that we were not excited about the search for a new one. I took Claire in for a preliminary visit today with one we were interested in, and she weighed 13 lbs., 5 oz., so up a little more than a pound since her 4 month check-up a few weeks ago.
I think he will work out. I had heard good things about some of the other doctors in the practice, and something I was looking for was an office where I would feel comfortable if we weren't able to see our usual doctor. He took his time with Claire, and judging from this preliminary visit, I like his philosophies - don't give medicine unless it's absolutely necessary, instructions on feeding, etc. One of the other things we talked about was making our own baby food, which is something I'd already planned on doing. He thinks that if you make it from fresh vegetables/fruits, it makes the transition to table foods much easier since Gerber's version doesn't usually taste the same as fresh. Plus, you can have more variety that what is available in stores. Besides, I just think it seems healthier, not to mention cheaper!

My transfer to the San Antonio Junior League went through last week in time for me to attend the September meeting, and I think I'm really going to enjoy it. An acquaintance that I used to work with at the firm moved to SA a few years ago, and I found out that she is also a member. She saw me almost as soon as I walked in, and I was so happy to see a familiar face. Having someone to talk to and sit with made the meeting much more enjoyable. I was also able to meet some of her friends. The SA League is a little more laid back. I was pleased to find yummy appetizers and a cash bar - something you would never find at a Dallas meeting. There you couldn't even bring in a bottle of water! The transfer program seems to be pretty robust, so I'm excited to get involved. I'm hopeful that I will make some new friends through the League and learn more about the community.

Robert's mom is in the States, and she came to visit over the weekend. We had a fun time and especially enjoyed visiting the Botanical Gardens and the McNay Art Museum. SA has so many places to explore, and I know that we will soon make return visits to both.


ashtheflash said...

I'm happy to see you guys are getting settled. I didn't know that info about making your own baby food. Interesting!

Amy L said...

It sounds super easy - there are recipes all over the internet, but the basic formula is to steam vegetables and puree them in the blender or food processor, adding water as needed to get the desired consistency. Then you freeze it in ice cube trays - each cube is about one portion. I'm looking forward to trying it!

Amy's Mom said...

How soon did the pediatrician say Claire could begin eating solid foods?

Anonymous said...

I'm glad the teachers are giving Claire such good care. And I'm glad you're figuring out how to deal with your critters. Sounds like that squirrel had better watch out! Claire really is growing! I heard about how she watched you eating your cereal. Sounds like she may have thought she was supposed to be doing that too!
Aunt Nancy

Amy L said...

He said we could start with cereal anytime, but that it was also okay to wait until she's 6 months.