Thursday, March 13, 2008

36 1/2 Weeks

I'm now having weekly appointments with Dr. Woodbridge - another indicator that our baby will be here soon! Everything continues to look great. The baby has been head down since at least 32 weeks (our last sonogram) and is staying in position. Heartbeat is strong, and she tells me that my weight gain is good - although I'm starting to feel huge! The fact that over the past week or so my legs and feet have started to swell and I can only fit into a couple of pairs of my shoes does not help, but she reminded me that to go this far before the swelling began - and that it's primarily in my legs/feet - is really good!

Dr. Woodbridge and I discussed a labor plan today. Before attending our childbirth class I was certain that I would want an epidural, but some of the things we learned in class have led me to want to give it a try without drugs. I like the idea of being able to get up and walk, rock, take a shower, etc. during labor, and that's not possible with an epi. Also, we learned that it can slow down labor and can make the baby drowsy, and I'd like for the baby to be as alert as possible at birth. I know it's a safe procedure, and if I end up having a long labor or the pain is too much to bear, I'm not opposed to meds, but I'm curious to see what my body can do and see how I handle it. The doctor was very supportive of attempting an unmedicated birth, so our plan is to just see how it goes - if it gets to be too much, I can always get the drugs. She thinks that the baby will be average to small in weight, which she said will obviously help! Also, if I do choose to have the epidural, her preference would be a "light" epidural where I would still feel pressure and could move my legs, and I was glad to hear that. Not that I'm excited about the pain, but the idea of being numb and not really feeling anything kind of weirds me out. I'm glad I have a doctor on the same page!

Robert and I found a pediatrician yesterday that we both really like. We know several people that see doctors in his practice and they all have had positive experiences, so it's nice to know that if something comes up and we can't get in to see him we'll still be in good hands. He met with us for almost half an hour to discuss office policy and his philosophy on a few things, and we liked all that he had to say and his answers to all of our questions. Another thing off our list!

I'm continuing to feel a lot of wiggles and stretches every day. I think that is what I will miss most about being pregnant. Our baby is not typically a morning person, but tends to really get going mid-afternoon. Baby really likes to get his or her feet right under my ribs which does inhibit breathing some, but I'm thankful even for that discomfort because every movement reminds me that our baby is continuing to grow and develop.

It's still a little surreal to think about that fact that Robert and I are so close to becoming parents. People are starting to ask if I'm nervous about labor , and my response is usually "I just haven't thought about it a whole lot." I definitely feel educated, but I just don't see the point on dwelling on it because it's going to happen, and there's no point in worrying about it. The anticipation of meeting our baby and finally knowing if it is a boy or girl and giving him or her a name does keep me more excited than scared. The whole pregnancy has flown by, particularly the last few weeks. Maternity leave begins on 3/24, so I only have 6 more days of work! I'm excited to have some time before the baby comes to finish the nursery, deep clean the house, and rest, but I won't be upset if I don't get the full two weeks. It doesn't sound like this baby will be making an appearance anytime soon, but you never know!

Here's a picture we took yesterday - can I really get that much bigger in the next few weeks? :)


Amy's Mom said...

Baby must have inherited that tendency to put his or her feet under your ribs. You used to do that to me! :) The picture is cute. Look forward to seeing you soon.

Lindsay said...

What a great post! You look wonderful, and I am so excited to find out what your baby is and his/her name!

I was fine without my epi until about 8 cm, when I was ready for the relief! At that point it went so quickly that I feel like I could do it if I had to. My epi was "light" like you said. I didn't feel my episiotomy or stitches (good), but I did feel the odd sensation of JTC slipping out (weird/cool).