Photos from the week of April 4-10:
Claire can hardly stand for me to take a picture of Will by himself - she always wants to jump in! He wasn't too excited about his chair picture today (20 weeks - it was late in the day, but I couldn't wait another day to do it), but Claire had plenty of energy.
Claire really enjoyed her singing birthday card from Aunt LaLa and Uncle Robert!
Claire kept "hiding" behind the kitchen island and jumping out towards Will - he just laughed and laughed every time he saw her and would wait anxiously for her next appearance. I love how they already play together!
Claire's birthday! Nana, Will and I spent the day with her. She got new blue shoes (Crocs) from Nordstrom and ate most of Nana's gelato from Paciugo. She had a great start to her birthday weekend.
Claire's party at the New Braunfels Children's Museum - everyone had a fabulous time!
Someone didn't want to sit still to take a picture with Nana, so we improvised.
Will tried solid food for the first time! He did a great job eating his cereal and seemed to really enjoy it. On to purees!