Friday, July 30, 2010

Spaghetti for breakfast?

I've loved watching Claire's imaginary play develop over the last several months, and it's really taken off lately with her wanting to have tea parties and the like. A couple of days ago, Claire was playing with her little kitchen set while I was in the shower. When I got out, I saw that she had set two little plates, two forks, and two little cups on the side of our bathtub. One of the plates had a piece of (plastic) pizza while the other held her (plastic) spaghetti. She immediately told me to "sit," and she brought over the plate of spaghetti and a fork for me. Such good service! I asked her if this was my breakfast, and she said it was. So I pretended to eat my spaghetti while she had the pizza. A few minutes later we went into the kitchen for (real) waffles and peanut butter.

1 comment:

Amy's Mom said...

I've noticed that Claire always puts the pizza on her plate and shares the spaghetti or eggs and bacon.:) While we were upstairs playing, she set her little table for a tea party and told me to "sit." She "filled" my cup numerous times and smiled when I told her how good her tea was.