Saturday, January 24, 2009

Nine Month Check-up

Claire went to the doctor for her nine month check-up on Monday. She weighed 15 1/2 pounds and measured 26 inches long (still around the 5th percentile). We have a shortie - although I wouldn't be surprised if she has a big growth spurt one day!

In the last week, Claire has finally started rolling with consistency. Yesterday she figured out that she could roll herself over to get to something (or someone) out of reach. She seemed pretty proud of herself! We're working on going from laying down to sitting, standing, and walking while holding on to something (usually our hands or her lion walker).

We've been working on finger foods, and she's catching on quickly. So far we've just tried Gerber Puffs and Cheerios, but I bought today for her to try in the next week or so - veggies, waffles, and some Morningstar veggie patties. We're having fun trying new things!

I'm having a harder time keeping up with the blog with this full-time work schedule. With the holidays, I've just now had a couple of weeks in a row where I worked all week. I miss seeing Claire, but we're adjusting and know that this is the best decision right now for our family. We're fortunate that she does so well in day care - her teachers always comment on how happy she is, and we know that they really enjoy her. Here are a few pics that I've been wanting to post. We're doing our best to keep up with the weekly chair pics, but it's getting hard again to get her to sit still! Now that she's learned how to lean forward to get on all fours (see example below), it takes both of us to take the picture - me to operate the camera, and Robert to make sure she doesn't fall off the chair!

41 Weeks

42 Weeks

Stinker! :)

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