Friday, August 01, 2008

Who's That Baby?

Yesterday I was holding Claire while I was sitting at the desk. I was supporting her so that she could sit up, and she was looking around (mostly focusing on the wallpaper – she loves all of the shapes and bright colors). I watched as she caught a glimpse of this photo sitting on the desk (one from her newborn photo shoot). She stared at it intently, and then a huge grin slowly spread across her face. She looked around a little more, saw the photo again, and once again slowly broke into a huge grin. She really enjoyed looking at "that baby" – I wonder when she’ll realize that it’s a picture of herself? Her reaction was so entertaining!


Amy's Mom said...

Thank you for sharing that, Sweetheart. Just picturing her doing that made me smile too.

Jenni said...

that is so neat!