Thursday, October 03, 2013

Summer 2013: Fire Station Birthday Party

June 29 - Our family was invited to a birthday party for my friend Amy's son, Luke.  Luke loves firefighters, so Amy arranged for a tour of our neighborhood fire station (right down the street from our house!).

The tour was fantastic - we saw the whole station, some demonstrations, and the kids got to turn on the hoses and crawl on the ladder.  For the parents, one of the best parts was when they had a firefighter dress up in all the gear.  With the masks and air tanks on, a firefighter could be pretty intimidating for a small child, so they showed them that under all the gear is a nice person who just wants to help them if they are ever in a fire.  Good stuff.

After the tour, we went to Luke's house for lunch and cake.  We had such a great time - and learned a lot!

Fire Station 1

Watching a firefighter climb to the top of the ladder
Fire Station 2

Excited about their chance to climb on the ladder truck
Fire Station 3

Claire with a few of our MOPS friends & two of the firefighters (Will is hiding behind Luke)
Fire Station 4

Fire Station 5

Fire Station 6

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