If you live in San Antonio, April means it's time for Fiesta! We didn't attend any "official" events, but we made it to our favorite - the school parade. Claire had a new float this year - her "Disney princess mermaid" float. She picked out the decorations for her float and directed the base assembly before finishing it off herself. Will requested farm animals. Robert and I did most of the decorating for him, and he managed to disassemble quite a bit of it while waiting for his turn in the parade. :)
Better view of Will's float (with the detached animals!)
Claire & Princess Ariel on her shell
After Will spotted us, he had no interest in walking the parade by himself, so I walked with him in my post-workout glory. :)
With Nana & Granddaddy (I couldn't get Claire to put down her float for a photo)
For photos of prior years' Fiesta parades, go here: