We had a wonderful, packed Easter this year!
To lead up to the actual day, my MOPS group (
Mothers of Preschoolers) hosted a craft night to make "Resurrection Eggs" - basically like an Advent calendar, but for Easter. We each brought a dozen plastic eggs, and they provided scriptures and items to put in each egg to teach children the Easter story - Jesus' sacrifice to free us from our sins. The ones we made were pretty similar to
this post. The kids were excited to open an egg each day, and it helped us make sure that the focus was not just on candy and egg hunts. :)
Our completed resurrection egg tree
On Friday, we attended an egg hunt at the kids' school. Although they don't go on Fridays, they were welcome to come. The weather was beautiful, so we loaded the kids, baskets, eggs, & backpack in the wagon and walked the 1 1/4 miles (up a BIG hill!) to their school. Will got to hunt with Claire's class - he was excited to play with "the big kids".
We stopped for lunch on our way home and all enjoyed naps that afternoon.