Robert got some great tickets through work this year. On Friday, our friends Josh & Courtney went with us for a little parents' night out, and we were invited to a suite for Wednesday night. Since the kids wouldn't have a chance to go to the actual rodeo, we took them to the fairgrounds on Saturday. We enjoyed checking out the animals in the stock show barns and the Animal Adventures exhibits. Claire especially enjoyed the "Little Buckaroo Farm", where they got to gather agricultural products in a little basket and turn them in for a bandanna or snack at the end. Will loved showing off his boots and cowboy hat. We wanted to take them on a carousel ride, but were shocked when we realized we would need 4 tickets each - a total of $16 - for one ride! We decided that we would skip it this time, and I would bring them back for Dollar Day. Claire handled it really well - Will was pretty upset, but we managed to distract him with another exhibit before we left.
Dollar Day was on Monday (Presidents' Day). Robert had to work, so my mom & dad went with us. We knew it would get crowded, so we arrived before the exhibits and Midway opened, and we were in the first group for the pony rides. Will was SO excited - all he had wanted to do on each visit was to ride a horse, and he finally got his chance.

Next we went to the petting zoo. As I expected, Claire was not into it, and Will was all over the animals. He pet a donkey, a llama, and lots of pigs, goats, and sheep. He practically laid down on the goats, petting them vigorously with both hands. He also tried to feed a goat some straw - and was excited when the goat took a nibble.
Claire wanted to go back to the Little Buckaroo Farm, and a photographer asked her to take a photo with Miss Rodeo Texas Teen and another pageant winner. She paused long enough for a picture before dashing off to gather her vegetables.
By the time we finished with the farm, the midway rides were opening up. We got $20 in tickets and rode more than enough rides. Will hated the bug ride (too bumpy!) but loved both carousels. Claire liked everything and felt especially big when I let her go on the tea cups by herself. She got it spinning pretty quickly and just belly laughed the whole time.
We had a great time with the rodeo this year - looking forward to 2014!