Saturday, September 01, 2012

"Hello Kitty Park"

Claire asked a couple of months ago if we would take her to "Hello Kitty Park", or Kiddie Park, as it is otherwise known.  We'd been trying to think of a good reward for her to entice her to stop picking her fingernails (she would peel them down to the quick!), and so we told her that if she would let all of her nails grow so that the white showed, we would take her to Kiddie Park.

She worked really hard to leave them alone, and all of her nails look great, so last week while Ma & Bob were here for a visit, we finally went to KP.  Carol and Grace were able to join us.  The younger kids took awhile to warm up to the rides, but Claire had a blast.  It was a well deserved reward!

The cars





High flyers


While Claire rode the Ferris wheel, Will wanted another ride on the cars.  He was really excited to get the little car that looked like a train engine and kept saying "Choo choo!  All aboard!" as it went around.

The little wagons were a favorite - I think they most enjoyed getting to sit next to each other. (This picture also demonstrates how they look to be the same height when they're sitting down, which is why I can't take them to the grocery store without at least 2 people asking me if they are twins!)

The spaceship ride goes pretty high and pretty fast - I got a little nervous for her when it started, but she belly giggled the whole time.

The best picture I could get of the toddlers together

Ride #2 on the school bus.  It was bumpy - Will is saying "Whoooa!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love all your pictures. It's always a treat to see them!
Aunt Nancy