Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Christmas 2009: Part 3

On New Year's Eve, we drove to Vernon to celebrate Christmas with my family. Before we left, we turned Claire's car seat around to foward facing. She was mesmerized by her new view, and while it took a little getting used to for all of us, it's made long trips a little easier for everyone.

We celebrated on New Year's Day, and Claire was extremely impressed with the mountain of presents under the tree!



As usual, Claire got several things that really excited her. One of her favorites was a new pair of pink shoes from Nana and Granddaddy.


We gave my cousins David and Jonathan each a set of Bucky Balls, and I think everyone wanted a turn at creating something with them.


Mom and Aunt Nancy

I was super excited about my new Cricut! With Christmas stuff and getting ready for our trip, I haven't had a chance to use it yet, but I can't wait to try it out after we get back.

David, Penny & Jonathan

Claire "helping"




She could hardly wait for me to get her new Little People School Bus from Nana and Granddaddy out of the box. We all had the songs memorized with 20 minutes - she loves it.


It took awhile to open all of the presents, and we had a feast for lunch (again, I couldn't keep track of the number of desserts I had). Later that night we played a new game, "Wits and Wagers". It was really a lot of fun and perfect for playing with family.


Claire was able to get in a little piano time with Nana before we left - she was having the best time!


Our Christmas holidays were wonderful. We're so fortunate to be able to spend time with both of our families during the season, and we know that Christmas mornings will continue to get even more exciting for our family as Claire gets older and develops a better understanding of the meaning of Christmas.

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