Sunday, March 04, 2012

Claire's Creations

Claire loves to organize and make patterns, and she is getting pretty creative.

A little over a year ago, her creations usually looked something like this:

Week 3 / Tuesday

Then a few months later, she graduated to things like this:

And this:

She really liked sorting my shoes:

In the last couple of weeks, I've realized that I need to start recording these.  This was a little over a week ago. She started changing this one, but shortly before I took the photo, she had made lots of little pyramids out of her legos and arranged them in a circle.

In the playroom, books lined up on the window sill, each with a piece of her letter puzzle on top.

She put this one together with things she gathered from our bedroom and her toys.  It may be her most creative yet.

I think someday I'll have to make a photo book comprised of her special projects!


The Roberts' said...

That's awesome!

Amy's Mom said...

The last one is a great example of reflection symmetry!