Wednesday, May 21, 2008

May 20 - 6 Weeks Old

It's hard to believe that Claire has already been with us for six weeks. Some facts about Claire:
  • Started sleeping through the night! For the past 5 nights she's slept for 7-9 hour stretches, so we've been getting good sleep. Hopefully this isn't just a short phase!
  • Can follow an object with her eyes and turn her head towards a sound
  • Can hold her head up for long periods of time when on her tummy. We had a photographer come take pictures last week, and she was so impressed. She said she photographs older babies that can't do as well as Claire.
  • Makes lots of cute noises as she tries to communicate
  • Sleeps most of the time in restaurants, which allows Mommy and Daddy to take her out frequently
  • Recognizes that a bottle is coming when we put a bib or burp cloth under her chin. She'll be crying and anxious, but she calms down as soon as she feels that cloth.
  • Enjoys walks in her stroller. Mommy and Claire like to walk to the neighborhood coffee shop where Mommy enjoys her coffee and all of the people who admire Claire. :)

In other news... Robert was officially laid off from Bear Stearns yesterday. This is a good thing - there was a possibility that he would get an offer from the acquiring company, but it wasn't a job he really wanted, and by getting laid off he was able to get a very generous severance package. There are a few things in the works, but for now we're going to enjoy the extra personal time that he'll be able to spend with me and Claire and use to help settle his dad's affairs. Thanks for all of your thoughts and prayers during this time.


Lindsay said...

Yea for updates! I can't believe she's already sleeping that much for you! Lucky!!! As always, she is just too adorable.

Glad to hear about the good timing of Robert's job situation. I wondered how that was going. We've always said it would have been better for Bryan to have stuck at AA until it died to get the severance.

Ashlee Liddell said...

I am so excited about all the updates, and PICTURES! These pictures don't do her justice (for all those who haven't help Baby Claire) so she even more beautiful in person....

Glad that this transition for you guys is a positive thing for the family. I will pray for God to make it clear what the next step is for Robert, and that it will be more than you could have asked or imagined.